Tyler Carr

Jun 26, 2022

Chromebook Cluster

My Chromebook Cluster

Today I'm finally going to get around to describing the Four node chromebook cluster I built last year. I had always been interested in clusters, especially clusters built out of single board computers. Due to the price of amassing several machines to cluster, however, it never seemed all that viable of a thing to try.

The Minimum Viable Chromebook

Last year some time, I came across several Dell Chromebook 11s that were being tossed. These devices had broken screens/keyboards/etc, and were no longer supported by ChromeOS. Because of this they were not worth fixing to be sold, and had no usefulness left for their intended purpose.

Inside view of Dell Chromebook 11

These Chromebooks (Dell CB1C13) have the following specs:

  • Intel Celeron 2955U
  • 4GB Ram
  • 16GB SSD

My idea to build a cluster out of these started with an attempt to find what I called the 'Minimum Viable Chromebook.' I started stripping parts off of a Chromebook motherboard until it wouldn't boot anymore. With this model of Chromebook it turned out that, unlike some other models, the battery; keyboard; daughter-board; screen; and touchpad (basically everything except the motherboard) were all not necessary for the device to boot. These devices are actively cooled by a fan/heat pipe, and all of their connections once the daughter-board is removed are on one side, making them even more enticing for service in a cluster. Bare Chromebook motherboard

With all extraneous parts removed from my first subject (read: victim) I started working on installing linux on the device. There are really great instructions avavailable for this, making it a pretty simple process. The full set of instructions can be found on the Arch Wiki but it basically goes as follows:

  • Enable developer mode
  • Become root
  • Patch the BIOS
  • Boot installation media and install as normal, some hardware may not work... some hardware may not be present

I opted to install Arch linux on this first machine because I wanted to have a lightweight system and I had dotfiles already created to make a comfy but minimal environment. I dubbed this system the minimum viable chromebook, or Minnie for short.

When life gives you chromebooks... Cluster them!

We ended up having a lot of these boards going into the dumpster. Since I was having fun installing linux on them, and I do one in a lunch break, I decided these might be my opportunity to build/experiment with a cluster.

Going with the theme set by Minnie soon I had Mickey, Goofy and Pluto.

The boards were all stripped, and their cooling fans mounted directly to the motherboard reusing screws and standoffs from the case it came out of. The boards were mounted to eachother using brass standoffs and screws.

Chromebook cluster cooling/mounting solution

Lets talk about the layout

Now that we're talking about four linux machines, we should start talking about network layout.

Since I did this work on my lunch breaks at my desk, and I didn't want this to actually be on our work network, I had to come up with a way for these machines to be able to be networked and to have access to the internet for updates/software downloads.

Minnie, being the first machine, became the controller node. Minnie had a comfy/lightweight desktop environment that made it a really nice entry point to the cluster. My solution to the networking issue is as follows:

  1. All nodes get a USB NIC
  2. Minnie gets a makeshift WiFi antenna (Ham radio trick, dipole made from the coax) and connects to the hotspot on my android phone
  3. Minnie runs a DHCP server on it's ethernet interface with NAT Masquerading
  4. Static leases and hostfile entries for each of the other nodes

Now all the nodes need is power, and a connection to a network switch in order to be networked with the others and also have access to the internet. This makes expansion of the cluster REALLY simple. Provision a node, plug it in, give it a static lease, done.

Software/OS provisioning on these devices is just like any other linux cluster. I went with what I think is a pretty standard beowulf cluster using Open MPI. I also ran these nodes in a docker swarm so workloads could be set up either way.

Okay... but what does it do?

I have no need for a cluster.

The whole point of this project was, because they were there and because I could. As such, I never really had any interesting workloads to run on this thing. The only workload that ever got deployed was a Monte Carlo Pi Estimation that served as a demonstration of "Look how bad the estimation is with one node, now it's not as bad with four nodes."

The cluster is now an 8-core 16GB of RAM paperweight, an interesting proof-of-concept though!

Oct 11, 2021

Hamshack Hotline Weather Alert


Hamshack Hotline

Hamshack Hotline (HH) is a SIP phone system set up by a group of Amateur Radio Operators (hams). There are different use cases for HH, for me it is an excuse to run a PBX at home and play with phones.


I run an instance of FreePBX in a VM on my main server (Dell R610) FreePBX is CentOS + Asterisk + a nice web UI.

Some of what I did to build my Weather Alert extension is done from the UI and some is done by manipulating Asterisk's config files directly.


My goal was to create an extension button on my hard phones (desk sets) that would play a stream of the local NOAA Weather Radio broadcast. I wanted the LED controlled by the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) for that button to light up with a specific pattern if there is a weather alert for my area. This would give me visual indication of potential hazardous weather affecting the area, and one press access to the weather broadcast to listen to.


For this how-to I will assume you are running FreePBX, I'm on version

Set up Music On Hold (MoH), queue and extension

  • Find a weather broadcast stream

    • I found mine by inspecting the player element on weatherusa.net/radio
    • If a station nearby you is in the list on weatherusa.net/radio you may be able to use this link: https://radio.weatherusa.net/NWR/KIG98.mp3 substituting KIG98 with the callsign of the NOAA station near you
    • NOAA doesn't release their own audio streams of broadcasts, availability of streams depends on someone setting up a listening station to record and stream the broadcast. Look around, and hopefully you can find something useful.
    • Steve K4HG shares how to set up a stream useable for MoH captured directly from an rtl-sdr
    • If you're having issues (no audio, errors in asterisk logs) make sure you are accessing your audio stream via HTTP not HTTPS, mpg123 appears to have trouble with HTTPS
  • Create a MoH Category

    1. From your FreePBX Admin page navigate to Settings > Music on Hold
    2. Click Add Category
    3. Give the Category a name Weather is what I chose
    4. Choose Custom Application for Type
    5. Click Submit
    6. Edit the newly created Category
    7. Input /usr/bin/mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 1024 YOUR_STREAM substituting your stream url for YOUR_STREAM
  • Create a queue
    1. From your FreePBX Admin page navigate to Applications > Queues
    2. Click Add Queue
    3. Give the Queue a number and a name
    4. Select the MoH category you created above for 'Music On Hold Class'
    5. Choose 'MoH Only'
  • Create an extension
    1. From your FreePBX Admin page navigate to Applications > Extensions > Virtual Extensions
    2. Click 'Add New Virtual Extension'
    3. Choose an unused extension number for 'User Extension', I chose 6000
    4. Choose a 'Display Name', I chose WX Station
    5. On the Find Me/Follow Me tab chose the following options:
      • Enabled: Yes
      • Initial Ring Time: 0
      • Ring Time: 0
      • Destinations:
  • Test
    • Calling the extension you created above, you should hear the audio stream you passed in when you created the MoH Category

Edit Config Files, Create Custom Device State

  • Open /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf for editing
  • add the following lines:
exten => UNUSED_EXTENSION,hint,Custom:DEVICE
    same => 1,Goto(from-internal,ABOVE_EXTENSION,1)

Substitute: - UNUSED_EXTENSION: Another unused extension - DEVICE: Create a name for the Custom Device State - ABOVE_EXTENSION: The Extension you created in the above section

example from my PBX:

exten => 101,hint,Custom:WXAlert
    same => 1,Goto(from-internal,6000,1)

Install/Set-up control script

The control script queries NOAA's API for active alerts for a selected 'zone'

usage: wxalert [-h] -z ZONE -d DEVICE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -z ZONE, --zone ZONE  NOAA Weather Zone
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Custom device state to target

If there is an active alert it will set the state of the device passed into it with the -d flag to an appropriate state for the highest severity of active alerts.

Source code for the control scipt can be found here

The fastest way to install the control script is to sudo pip install asterisk_wxalert

Once installed you can add an entry into the root user's crontab so the script runs regularly:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/wxalert -z ZONE -d DEVICE

example from my PBX:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/wxalert -z WAZ039 -d WXAlert

Your NOAA Forecast Zone can be found on this site

It will be in the form WAZ039 (2 Letter state, The letter Z, then the 3 digits from the map of your state above)

Phone Set-Up

Phone set-up will differ between phones, but for the most part, pointing one of your BLF buttons at the extension created in /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf in my case 101 should get you the desired behavior. The BLF LED will illuminate with the status set by the control script, and pressing the button will call the extension that immediately forwards to the MoH Queue.


Hopefully this gets you at least part of the way toward a working implementation of this system. I will treat this as a living document, and will update it based on my own experiences and feedback from anyone who tries to follow the directions. Feel free to email me at the address listed on my QRZ page, or message me on the HH Discord server.

Thanks and 73, Tyler - AG7SU

Jun 21, 2021

My Homelab

I've been experimenting with self hosting, and hosting at home for several years now. My 'lab' has evolved significantly throughout the years, starting with the cheapest VPS I provider I could find I started learning things like remote access via ssh and basic security (often the hard way).

Eventually my lab moved into my home and onto an old roadkill laptop. I started learning about docker, reverse proxies, firewall rules and networking. Services in this era of my lab consisted of 'off the shelf' containers and some applications I wrote myself. Lots of Python, Flask and Docker. This 'server' (Carr-Lab1) is still running but hosts very little now.

In April of this year (2021) I convinced my wife to let me buy some old enterprise gear. This newest iteration of my lab consists of a second hand Dell Poweredge r610 [2x 6 core CPUs and 32GB of ram] running Proxmox as a hypervisor. With this new (to me) machine, I'm loving the hands on experience I'm getting with gear I don't normally get to play with at work. Services running on this machine are Homeassistant ('supervised' version in it's own Debian VM), hastebin, hedgedoc, plex, and babybuddy (we have our second daughter, Evelyn, on the way in July). A 5 node K3S kubernetes cluster is running with rancher as it's only current workload. I run a virtualized instance of pfSense on the server as well, which lets me better isolate lab VMs and reduces how much configuration I do on my main network in support of the lab.

My home network, which is also a semi-experimental component of my lab, runs behind a bare-metal installation of pfSense on netgate hardware (recently replacing a janky install on an atomic pi freeBSD support for realtek NICs bit me). I run VLANs for my main LAN (trusted devices), a guest LAN (untrusted, throttled), and a LAN for my IOT devices (REALLY untrusted, severely throttled). Due to where I live (rural), bandwidth is limited (3mbps/1mbps), throttling the IOT devices keeps an untimely update from interrupting youtube or other browsing. An app I wrote re-rolls displays and updates the guest LAN passphrase on my Aruba AP.